Earth care is community care.

Shen Space values deep listening and regenerative thinking.

At Shen Space, we are committed moving forward in ways that can support the development of more socially, culturally and environmentally progressive communities. Two per cent of profits at Shen Space are donated to organisations that actively work to reduce the harm experienced by Indigenous Australians and our natural environment.

1% to the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)

ACF is an independent environmental advocacy organisation that endorses climate change awareness and actively protects nature in Australia.

1% to Pay the Rent

Pay the Rent is a grassroots organisation whose funds are distributed by First Nations people, for First Nations people, with a focus on promoting, defending and supporting Indigenous Sovereignty.

Shen Space is also committed to providing the highest quality and most environmentally responsible herbal products and is conscious about the sourcing of all products prescribed. Empirical Health is a certified organic Australian owned herbal company that prides itself on being socially responsible and environmentally conscious. The herbs that are sourced undergo rigorous and independent testing processes for pesticides and heavy metals to ensure they are of the highest quality and safety. We partner with Empirical Health at Shen Space to ensure you are receiving the safest and most ethically source herbs available.